
Wednesday 30th of March of 2016: 
First meeting about my research work with Xavier Valbuena, in which we have spoken and it has been stablished the objective of finishing to look into CMV virus and solve little beggining doubts.

Wednesday 6th of April of 2016:
Second visit to the CRAG in wich I have been showed the whole CRAG center, having Montse Martin as my guide. I have taken my first contact with this enormous agrifood investigation center, visiting the greenhouse, the laboratory, the PCR room, etc. and seeing almost all the machinery used in this cradle of agrifood investigations to carry out all types of necessary processes to study this branch of plant research.

Wednesday 13th of April of 2016:
Second meeting about my research wark called playing as god in which me and Xavier Valbuena have talked about how to express in my blog, and how must seem all like, as there must be some matching between my work, and the design of the blog. That's why we made a brainstorming to come up with some ideas to have a really good design.

Wednesday 20th of April of 2016:
Third visit to the CRAG and first experience alive, in which I have been involved in the CMV inoculations at Cucummis melo. A really informative and interesting expirience which I have learnt the difference between how a virus is inocuated to humans, and how it is done in plants.

Wednesday 27th of April of 2016:
Third meeting about my research work with my tutor Xavier Valbuena, in which we have talked about what I have to do to have a more attractive blog, in order to attract human eye. It is important to catch peoples attention as hence you can make a lot of people get interested in researching work being done at the moment.

Thursday 11th of May of 2016:
Me and Xavier Valbuena have had the fourth meeting to talk about the research wotk, the results of this talking had been an improvement in the image of the blog. Taking into account different aspects including the imatges, titles, written part, etc. but all turning around the principal objective stablished, the humanitzation of the blog.

Friday 20th of May of 2016:  
I have gone to the CRAG to make my second expirience alive, which implicated to extract the DNA of a Cucummis melo. Moreover, I have been informed with how a PCR works, and what kind of material and ingredients are being used. Alse the importance of the PCR in this kinds of centers, as without this high technology machines, they wouldn't be able to carry out not even a simply agrifood experiment.

Sunday 19th of June of 2016:
I have gone to the festival of science to take part in a wide variety of alive expirience related not only to my research work, as there was some places were CRAG was involved and showd his workalso to see how science evolves by time. I have get in touch with ray diffraction, crystallography, technology applied to sports, virtual reality, ... But the most richest expirience was Montse Martin talk about virus related with plants.

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